Monday, May 06, 2013

Red lines?

Israeli jets hit Syria. Translation: Israel is very clear about red lines. Israel drew a red line and responded when some crossed it

"Some four years ago, the then Israeli government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned that it would not tolerate what it called "game-changing" weapons being transferred to Hezbollah."

Israel is concerned with "transfers" from Syria to terrorist groups. They've lived with missiles "raining" on their towns for some time. They will act "preemptively" if necessary to protect their population.

Israel also has to live with the reality that President Obama may not be a very reliable partner. Today, The NY Times reports that "the red line" comment may have been something of an "off the cuff" remark.

Quite a contrast in leadership. President Obama hesitates after drawing a red line. PM Netanyahu drops bombs!

Again, no one is suggesting that Syria would be easy or that sending troops makes sense. At the same time, drawing red lines only works when you are willing to enforce them, such as Bush-41 and Bush-43 drawing a line in the sand in Iraq.

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