Thursday, May 09, 2013

President Pena-Nieto of Mexico needs to keep the heat on the cartels

(My new American Thinker post)

There is a lot to like about President Pena-Nieto of Mexico. He looks in charge. He governed one of the largest states in Mexico and understands the importance of foreign investment in a developing economy. He is from the old PRI (the party who governed Mexico until 2000 and gained a reputation for corruption) but wants to be a different PRI leader. 

However, his attitude toward the war on cartels is not of those things that we like about him.

Pena-Nieto wants to change Mexico's image, from a nation where people are shooting each other to one where foreign companies are happily investing and creating jobs.

In many ways, Mexico is doing quite well.      Pres Pena-Nieto is serious about reforms to energy and telecommunications.

However, letting up on the cartels will make attracting foreign investment, and tourists, very very hard.

We spoke with Alfredo Corchado of The Dallas Morning News on
Wednesday's show. He confirmed what we read in The New York Times:

".....In another clash, American security officials were recently asked to leave an important intelligence center in Monterrey, where they had worked side by side with an array of Mexican military and police commanders collecting and analyzing tips and intelligence on drug gangs. The Mexicans, scoffing at the notion of Americans’ having so much contact with different agencies, questioned the value of the center and made clear that they would put tighter reins on the sharing of drug intelligence."

We understand that Mexicans are tired of war. Let's put the deaths in Mexico in some perspective.  Imagine if we had 300,000 dead from street fights or shootouts.  Imagine if we had entire regions of the country run by criminal elements.  So I understand that Mexicans would love to turn on the TV and not see another story about gangs settling scores.

However, the cartels are not tired of war. They are just eager to fight for turf here and Mexico.  There are obviously no official figures but
we understand this:

"Mexico's drug syndicates are the No. 1 supplier of illegal drugs into the United States. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has said Mexico cartels are also infiltrating drug-selling operations in major U.S. cities and taking over.    According to a 2011 Justice Department report, Mexican drug cartels "represent the greatest organized crime threat to the United States.""

We don't know what President Obama told President Pena-Nieto in private. We hope that he spoke bluntly about the need to keep the heat on the cartels.

Again, the cartels are not calling it quits. They are creative enterprises that plan to continue their operations as long as Americans consume billions of dollars in illegal drugs.

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