Friday, May 03, 2013

May Day madness and a few other thoughts

Another May Day and more madness from the left.

In Seattle & other places, we saw demonstrators in the street making noise, destroying property and putting their fingers in our eyes.  Unfortunately, these people do not respect anyone who disagrees with them.  They are anarchists!

ObamaCare is in the news again.  Senator Reid is now saying that it needs more money.   Why didn't Senator Reid and President Obama explain to us that the program needs more money? 

President Obama spoke about gun control in Mexico.   Frankly, I can't believe the complacency of Mexico's political class about "Fast & Furious".  The Obama administration put 2,000 high powered weapons in the hands of the cartels but the Mexican press is more interested in immigration reform.

 Last, but not least, President BO is OK with 15 year old girls buying the morning after pill.  Yes, I said 15 year old girls.  Is that insane or what?

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