Thursday, May 30, 2013

Can "Peatonito" turn into "Petrolito" and save Mexico from PEMEX?

Fausta Wertz brought the story of "Peatonito" to my attention.  

It is the kind of story that makes you laugh and confirms the power of Twitter:

"If you ever get stuck in gridlock at an intersection in this crowded capital city, you can't expect help from a street cop. But you might try "Peatónito," the protector of pedestrians who dresses as a Mexican wrestler.
When a car blocks a crosswalk, from out of nowhere appears Peatónito ("little pedestrian" in Spanish), in a cape and wrestler's mask. He stands directly in front of the car and tries to push it back with his bare hands—often to the astonishment of the drivers. If a motorbike is parked on the sidewalk blocking the way, Peatónito lifts it up and puts it on the curb where it belongs.
No crosswalk at an intersection? No problem: Peatónito travels with a can of white paint and a few official-looking stencils, ready to paint the crosshatches where they might be needed. It is a pity he can't be everywhere at once.""

My question is this:  Can "Peatonito" turn into "Petrolito" and save Mexico from that monstrosity named PEMEX? Can he convince his countrymen that PEMEX is the #1 reason keeping Mexico as a 3rd world country?  Open up PEMEX and there won't be enough hotel rooms in Mexico for investors willing to invest in the country's energy fields!

Click here for Wednesday's show. We spoke about "Peatonito" in the last segment:

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