Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Benghazi moment of truth, chapter 1

We spoke with Rick Moran about Benghazi and the hearings starting today.

I agree with Rick that it's too early to talk about impeachment proceedings or resignations.  We are not there and may never get there.

Nevertheless, these hearings, and the stuff coming later, will be very embarassing for the Obama administration.

For example, who came up with these "insulting" talking points about a video causing an uproar like this in the streets of Benghazi?  

Also, who decided to leave personnel on the ground without an attempt to defend or rescue them?  I think that this is going to be very tough because 4 Americans were killed.  It's hard to believe that we could not get special forces to Benghazi during a multi-hour firefight?  

Rick pointed out that Mike Hubackee said that this scandal will bring down the Obama presidency. 

I don't know if Mr Huckabee is right or wrong.  I do remind you that no one thought that President Nixon would be brought by Watergate at this time of his second term.

Stay tuned because we will hear some things that the Obama administration will not enjoy.   By the way, the media is starting to cover this story, as we see on CNN.

Click here for Tuesday's show with Rick Moran in segment 2:

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