Friday, May 10, 2013

Abortion pills and 15-year old girls don't go together!

It does not get any more crazy than this.  The Obama administration is OK with 15 year old girl (yes I said 15) buying a “Plan B” post-coital emergency contraception".  

How in the world did we get here?   The answer is the moral devaluation that we've been witnessing for years, as Heather McDonald writes about:

"The demoralizing of juvenile sex has left us in the preposterous situation of viewing the decision to buy a pack of cigarettes as weightier, and more in need of an adult’s full cognitive and moral capacities, than a teen’s decision to have sexual intercourse."

Yes, a 15-year old girl can not buy cigarettes or drive a car but she can get "a morning after pill" to end her pregnancy.

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