Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's time for Rangers' fans to get over Hamilton and enjoy this nice team

We were at the game on Sunday night and booing Hamilton was as boring as that "wave" that comes around once in a while

I understand that some local fans are angry at Hamilton for saying that we are not a "baseball town".  Nevertheless, some of the booing was a bit too much and gave the good baseball of Texas a bad name.

Hamilton left Texas becaue the Angels gave him a 5 year contract.  It was a business decision and that's what everybody else does these days.  In other words, Hamilton took the money.  Everyone of-those fans in the right field seats would have done the same thing!

Besides, the Rangers are playing very well.  They are 6-2 and looking great.

So say goodbye to Hamilton and enjoy a rather good Rangers' team.  

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