Friday, April 05, 2013

A chat about gun control

The score is NRA 1 and Obama 0!  

Yes, even Eleanor Clift admits that the NRA is winning the debate.

Why is the NRA winning?  The answer is simple:  Most Americans get it!  Gun control does not work because criminals don't obey laws anyway.

My guess is that most Americans would like to hear more about TV violence, mental health and the breakdown of the family.

With respect to TV or movie violence, President BO has been rather silent.  We are not hearing much about all of the violent stuff that our kids watching.

Mental health is a problem and we are not supervising people who should be under watch.  The Newport and Arizona tragedies were done by a couple of young men who were giving us signals of serious mental health.

The family breakdown, and specially the absence of a father, is another one of the issues that the left wants to avoid.  However, there is evidence that boys without fathers are more likely to get in trouble and drop out of school.

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