Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Latin America will present Pres BO with a few challenges in 2013

We discussed several issues regarding US-Latin America on our last show of the year:

1) Hugo Chavez is not doing well.  He is very sick and that will have profound consequences in Venezuela and elsewhere.

In Venezuela, there are constitutional challenges because Chavez may not be in any shape to assume the presidency on January 10th.  The Constitution calls for another election in 30 days.

Cuba, Bolivia and Ecuador have strong ties with Chavez.  Will Venezuela continue to send Cuba "cheap energy"?  We don't know.

2) We discussed the recent land dispute between Colombia and Nicaragua.  Apparently, the Santos government has decided not to observe the ruling and pull out of The Bogota Pact.

3) Argentina is a mess and getting messier.  The Fernandez government is not respecting foreign investment.  We may see Argentina default on its debt in 2013.

4) Mexico has a new president and the elections were orderly.  At the same time, there are fears that Pres Pena-Nieto may cut a deal with the cartels.

Overall, we agree that the Obama administration has been very indifferent toward Latin America.  We need a policy.

Check our US-Latin America show with Michael Prada-Krackow & Fausta Wertz:

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