Monday, January 07, 2013

Chavez is not going to like what St Peter has waiting for him!

It must be a rough weekend for Hugo Chavez.  He is painfully learning that he can steal elections, attack US presidents and make a mess out of his country.  

He is also learning that he can't beat cancer! And he is dealing with the reality that St Peter is not going to be very nice to him.
Chavez is very sick and his death is just a matter of time.

My concern is Venezuela, a country devastated by a dozen years of Chavez' arbitrary and irresponsible rule. Venezuela and the region will likely go into turmoil after Chavez' death. 

First, there is a constitution that suddenly the "Chaviztas" have forgotten all about.  We hear that the constitution requires Mr Chavez to take the oath on Jan 10 or for the country to call for new elections in 30 days.

Second, the opposition is not united.

Third, Fidel & Raul Castro are probably praying that they die before Chavez does.  Cuba is going to be impacted because the next leader will likely stop all of that cheap oil going to the Castro brothers.

Chavez won't be around much longer.  However, Venezuela will enter a period of massive confusion and it will have an impact in the region. Click for the Sunday night show with Bill Katz & Michael Prada:

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