Tuesday, November 06, 2012

LO likes BO and that's another good reason to support Romney

Mexicans continue their love affair with Pres Obama.  It is a rather bizarre affection given that Pres BO has been so indifferent toward Mexico or Latin America.  

BO was against NAFTA, "work visas", the Colombia FTA, cancelled the "truck deal" that Pres Bush had negotiated with Pres Calderon, allowed Senate Dems to delay Merida Plan funds, and his administration orchestrated putting 2,000 guns in the hands of Mexican cartels.

How can Mexicans be so in love with Pres BO?  I don't get it! 

Maybe Mexicans like the "hip gringo" who tells them what they want to hear rather than someone who can govern and deliver results!

Again, I don't get it!  How can so many people south of the border support a US president who can not explain how 2,000 high powered weapons "walked over the border"? 

Allan Wall brought this little nugget to our attention:

"One prominent Mexican who has endorsed Barack Obama is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), the runner-up in the 2008 and 2012 Mexican elections (who refused to concede either).  AMLO has endorsed Obama, and has excoriated the Republicans for "racism against the immigrants."

Quoth Lopez Obrador, "I would like it to go well for Obama, because the Republicans have shown that they do not want/love our fellow Mexicans, they support the heavy hand, racism and bad treatment.""

LO is obviously wrong and he knows it.  Someone needs to tell LO that BO had 60 votes in the US Senate and never proposed an immigration reform proposal. 

Of course, LO is not about truth but demagoguery. 

LO likes BO!  I'm not surprised.  I think that BO would be "a PRD-ista" if he was Mexican. 

Vote for Romney and send LO a message!

Speaking of Mexico and Latin America,  Jaime Dremblum reminded us of Pres BO's indifference: Obama's failure in Latin America.   

In other words, we do not have a coherent policy toward Latin America. 

We have "5 de Mayo" speeches intended to confuse or pander to Mexicans in the US.  

We do not have a Latin America policy because Pres BO is not interested in trade or economic development.  He just wants to pander to Mexicans with immigration promises that his own party will never keep.

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