Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Friday's lousy jobs report has Pres BO back in the "the class warfare" mode

We are still digesting Friday's lousy jobs report.  It is now perfectly clear that Pres BO can not run for reelection on his 4 year record.  Therefore, Pres BO & Dems are in full "class warfare" mode or putting one American against another.  It is the kind of political strategy that would make Evo Morales of Bolivia rather proud.

Today, Pres Barrack "class warfare" Obama went deep into "the hat of illusion and magical tricks".  He said that the Bush "tax cuts", the same tax cuts that he ran against and then did not touch, will now only apply to those making less than $250,000.

What's wrong with that?  

First, Congress won't go along with this demagoguery.  He won't get a vote on this gimmick from a Dem majority Senate.

Second, it won't create jobs which is what we need.  It won't improve on Friday's jobs report.  It won't reward the "job creators", or precisely the people who will get us out of the recession

Third, the Bush tax cuts were intended for investors and industrialists, or the kinds of people who employ all of those Americans making less than $100,000.  

The bottom line is that we have a president who is out of ideas, as The Washington Post indicated.    He's got nothing except to bang the drums of "class warfare" and hope that some Americans will follow him over the cliff.

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