Monday, June 04, 2012

What a great ad to mock Pres BO and the lefty "Hollywoodies"

We hear that the Obama campaign is having a hard time finding a "theme" or "message".

First, it was the class warfare, the senseless attacks on the rich.  It did not work because Americans understand that poor people don't post "help wanted" ads. 

Second, it was that the GOP was going to throw your grandma off the bridge by cancelling her Social Security or Medicare service.  It did not work because most Americans are not stupid.

Third, it was Romney is going to send your "abuela" back to Mexico.  It did not work because it is the Obama economy sending "abuela, tio and primo" back to Mexico.  Also, it did not help that Pres BO had big congressional majorities and never proposed an immigration reform package like promised.

Fourth, it was the GOP wants to cancel your "birth control".  It did not work because most American women are more concerned with high gasoline prices than providing "free pills" to college students.

Pres BO is having a hard time defining why he should be reelected.  So far, he has not come up with a good reason other than Romney wants to send your "abuela" back to Mexico.

On Friday, Pres BO called on Hollywood to promote his campaign.  He found a couple of Hollywood ladies to organize a little dinner, or the kind of event that you pay a fortune to attend.

It was also the same day that we got that awful jobs report.  He had a lot of good timing back in '08.  He does not have it in '12.

Click to watch the video:

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