Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Venezuela? Pres BO is acting more and more like Hugo Chavez everyday

What's wrong with this picture?  The answer is a lot, specially if you believe that we are a nation of laws!

First, the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the most important portion of the Arizona law, i.e. police officers can check immigration paper.  

I know that they reversed 3 other provisions but they were never controversial.  The law was sent to the Supreme Court because of the "show me your papers" provision.  We repeat that this provision was upheld unanimously 8-0!

How does the Obama administration respond to that?

They declare war on Arizona.  They will now make life miserable for Arizona as they try to implement the law just upheld by The Supreme Court.  Check out Power Line:

"The Department of Homeland Security said it would exclude Arizona from a program known as 287(g), which allows the feds to deputize local officials to make immigration-based arrests. 

A Homeland Security official explained that the administration finds such agreements “not useful” in states that have Arizona-style laws. I guess the program is “useful” only in states that aren’t taking meaningful measures to identify illegal aliens. 

Accordingly, local police in Arizona will have to rely on federal officials to arrest illegal aliens. 

But federal officials have made it clear that the feds will not respond to calls from Arizona law enforcement unless the person detained meets certain criteria, such as being wanted for a felony. Being an illegal alien is not enough. 

As Obama showed with his unilateral mini-DREAM act, this administration is no longer interested in enforcing the immigration laws except perhaps against illegal aliens who are shown to have engaged in felonious conduct.

In addition, the Justice Department set up a hotline through which people can complain about having their immigration status checked by Arizona law enforcement officials. Obama thus hopes to drum up complaints against Arizona law enforcement agents. 

He wants to make the federal government a party to the harassment of those trying to do what Obama won’t – enforce the law. 

Obama hopes to intimidate them into not using their authority to address the severe problem of illegal immigration — authority granted by the state legislature and upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court."

This is outrageous and should anger every citizen of the US.

The Obama administration did not like that the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the heart of the Arizona law and responds by treating the state like an outlaw nation.

In two weeks, we've seen Pres BO "change immigration law" by decree and now he will target a state because he is a sore loser.

Am I living in Venezuela?

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