Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What if Pres BO "evolves" on same-sex marriage and most think it was all political?

We posted a few days that Pres BO's "evolution" on same sex marriage was a bit cynical.  

In other words, it was more to do with campaign contributions than integrity.

"Sixty-seven percent of those surveyed by The New York Times and CBS News since the announcement said they thought that Mr. Obama had made it “mostly for political reasons,” while 24 percent said it was “mostly because he thinks it is right.” 

Independents were more likely to attribute it to politics, with nearly half of Democrats agreeing. 

The results reinforce the concerns of White House aides and Democratic strategists who worried that the sequence of events leading up to the announcement last week made it look calculated rather than principled."

This poll should hit The White House between the eyes.  My point is that Pres BO did not make any friends by "evolving" into same sex marriage.  On the contrary, independents believe that the decision was all about politics.  Also, he probably didn't win any voters in all of those counties between NY City and San Francisco.

We spoke about this issue with Barry Casselman on Monday night:

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