Thursday, May 24, 2012

Romney can start talking to Hispanics by supporting school choice

How do you get Hispanics to vote for a GOP candidate?

First, you nominate someone who supports economic growth and does not pander to Hispanics with "immigration" promises that he does not mean to keep.

Second, you nominate someone who is pro-life and supports the idea that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Third, you nominate someone who believes that education is the key for integrating legal immigrants into the US economy. 

Gov Romney called for public education reform today.  He wants parents to enjoy the advantage of sending their kids of a school of their choice NOT the ones run by the public teachers' unions:

"Mr. Romney announced the push on education in a speech in Washington as he made overtures to Hispanic voters, who regularly tell pollsters that access to education is one of their top concerns — even above immigration — and who generally support vouchers.

“Here we are in the most prosperous nation, but millions of kids are getting a Third World education. And America’s minority children suffer the most,” Mr. Romney said in a speech to the Latino Coalition, a conservative Hispanic organization

“This is the civil rights issue of our era. And it’s the great challenge of our time.”

And he declared war on teachers unions, saying they “are the clearest example of a group that has lost its way.” He said Mr. Obama is too beholden to the unions to be able to reform the school system.

“President Obama has been unable to stand up to union bosses — and unwilling to stand up for kids,” Mr. Romney said, accusing the president of putting the unions’ campaign donations ahead of the needs of students those teachers are teaching." (WashTimes)

I think that this is a very good move and should be well received by Hispanic parents.

We remind Hispanic parents that Pres BO has always sent  his daughters to private school, whether in Chicago or now in Washington DC.  In other words, Pres BO takes money from the union but would rather have his daughters taught by private schools.

School choice, or "vouchers", is simple.  Parents get a "voucher" and then choose a school for their kids.   After all, it is the parents who pay the property taxes who support public education.  Why shouldn't  parents have a vote on  how their kids are educated? 

The net result of "vouchers" is that it will force the public school system to compete and  excel.   No more monopoly or massive school districts.

The public teachers' union, who support Pres BO & Dems, is not happy with  "vouchers" because it puts the kids first.   

We should put the kids first.  Education is about putting kids first not protecting incompetent teachers. 

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