Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nobody is paying attention to Pres BO, specially Democrats

Remember when he had 60 votes in the US Senate & a 40-plus majority in the US House?  

He still has a 53-47 majority in the US Senate.

Yet no one is paying attention to Pres BO's "to do list".  He speaks and no one listens, specially Dems running for reelection between NY City and San Francisco:

"In the meantime, several Senators confessed to Roll Call that they don’t know what is on the to-do list anyway, despite several speeches in which Obama has urged his followers to tweet, call, write and email lawmakers urging them to take it up."  (RollCall)

We call this a lack of leadership and an understanding that Pres BO is  under 50% in most job approval polls.

We've come a long way from "hope and change".....haven't we?

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