Thursday, April 12, 2012

We love homemakers today: Here is one for my wife and all of those wonderful women like Anne Romney who stayed home to raise our children

This is my wife and our 3 sons from 1991.  Where did the time go? 

I want to personally salute every lady out there who is at home raising a family.

You have the most important job on earth.  You are literally looking into the eyes of the future.

You are a mother and that's the greatest and most important position under God.

Let me bring you Cardinal Mindzenty's words.  He was the brave Hungarian priest who stood up to Hitler and later the communists in Hungary.  He said that God loves mothers:

"The most important person on earth is a mother.
She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral.
She need not."
“She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral –
a dwelling for an immortal soul,
the tiny perfection of her baby’s body…"

Back to today's news.  I guess that you can't keep an angry feminist down.  You can't keep an angry feminist down when the target is a woman who has babies rather than abortions.

The latest chapter is this awful attack on Anne Romney from Hillary Rosen.  The attack goes like this:  Anne is a housewife and she is not smart like us feminists! 

Is that stupid?  Yes!

The White House has already thrown Hillary under the bus, as Ed Morrisey indicates this morning.   

Anne Romney is a lot like my wife, and probably your wife, too.

My wife Beatriz has a college degree but decided to stay home to raise our 3 sons.  She is working now but felt that staying home with young sons was a better use of her time than pursuing some professional experience.

My sons and I are so grateful for her time at home and how she made all of our lives better.

Anne Romney has devoted her life to helping people.  She is a wonderful woman and does not deserve a cheap shot from a frustrated feminist like Hillary Rosen. 

Click to watch this awful attack:


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