Thursday, April 12, 2012

North Korea: Another bad guy gives Pres BO the finger

We learned today that North Korea joined Saddam, Khadaffi, Iran, etc and defied UN resolutions.  

They also fooled the US government and put the whole region on a war time footing.

Yes, the missile did not work.  Yes, it did not land in South Korea or Japan as some had feared.

Nevertheless, they fired the missile making a mockery of Pres BO's 'smart" diplomacy. 

This is from FP:

"The Obama administration worked behind the scenes for months on the deal, and had been set to announce it last December, but North Korean leader Kim Jong Il died the day before the announcement was set to be made. 

In February, administration officials traveled to Beijing to try again and proudly announced on Feb. 29 that Pyongyang had agreed to a host of concessions, including a missile-test moratorium." 

So much for that moratorium.  So much for the smart diplomacy that was supposed to make the world love us and live happily ever after.

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