Friday, March 30, 2012

A very bad week for common sense and race relations

It's been a terrible week for common sense and race relations in the US.

First, all of us hurt when a 17-year old young man is killed.  What a terrible loss. 

Second, I am appalled that so many have jumped to conclusions without a single fact.

Third, why isn't Pres BO calling on The Black Panthers to shut up and wait for the facts?  Isn't there a "teachable moment" here about rushing to judgement?

Fourth, who was the idiot who posted an address on line?  It turned out to be a wrong address and now an elderly couple are receiving death threats and nasty calls.   By the way, isn't this a hate crime?  What about the civil rights of this innocent couple thrown to the wolves by an irresponsible person trying to promote himself?

Last, but not least, where is the outrage when blacks kill each others?  Are we saying that a black life is only valuable when the alleged killer is white?

Again, it's been a very bad week for common sense and race relations.

I was happy to see this column from Juan Williams, an honest liberal who is not afraid to tell the truth about black on black crime:

"The most recent comprehensive study on black-on-black crime from the Justice Department should have been a clarion call for the black community to take action. There is no reason to believe that the trends it reported have decreased since 2005, the year for which the data were reported.

Almost one half of the nation's murder victims that year were black and a majority of them were between the ages of 17 and 29. Black people accounted for 13% of the total U.S. population in 2005. Yet they were the victims of 49% of all the nation's murders.

And 93% of black murder victims were killed by other black people, according to the same report.

Less than half of black students graduate from high school. The education system's failure is often a jail sentence or even a death sentence. The Orlando Sentinel has reported that 17-year-old Martin was recently suspended from his high school.

According to the U.S. Department of Education's Civil Rights Office, in the 2006-07 school year, 22% of all black and Hispanic K-12 students were suspended at least once (as compared to 5% of whites).

This year 22% of blacks live below the poverty line and a shocking 72% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. The national unemployment rate for black people increased last month to over 13%, nearly five points above the average for all Americans.

The killing of any child is a tragedy. But where are the protests regarding the larger problems facing black America?"

We say it again.  Juan Williams is an honest black liberal.

Sadly, Pres BO is missing in action.  Where is the speech?  Where is the call to black young men to stay in school, obey the law and stop getting young women pregnant out of wedlock?

Again, it was a very bad week for common sense and race relations.  I pray that we all come to our senses and deal with the crisis in black America.

We live in 2012 but too much of the black leadership is caught in a Mississippi '62 time warp.

Check out our Thursday commentary:

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