Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hispanic unemployment & gas prices are the two things going up under Pres BO!

"Yes we can" is no we can't.  "Hope and change" is high unemployment in Hispanic communities.  "Si se puede" is very high gas prices.

Yes, no one has suffered more under Pres BO's stewardship than blacks and Hispanics.

Bob Blumer posted something this week that should alarm everyone still singing the "si se puede" serenade.  It tells a harsh story.  It reveals some rather frightening statistics that Dems do not want Hispanics to remember or hold them accountable for:

".......that only four months after the recession’s end in June 2009, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for whites peaked at 9.3%. Over time, it has gradually declined to its current 7.3%.

Meanwhile, Hispanic unemployment continued rising for another 13 months, topping out at 13.1% in November 2010. After falling to a still-high 10.5% in January 2012, it ticked up to 10.7% in February."

So get ready for the "latino card" to distract Hispanics from the Obama economy.

Yes, get ready to hear that we Republicans want to send everybody back to Mexico or lock up people that look "hispano".

In the meantime, we are still waiting for Pres BO to propose policies that will improve the lives of Hispanics and blacks waiting for their "hope and change" dream to come true.

How is that "hope and change" working out for you?  It's not working in Hispanic communities, i.e. 10.7% unemployment! 

Again, 10.7% is not an easy record to defend.  This is why you are going to hear that we Republicans want to evict your aunt and send her back to Mexico.

Click for our Thursday chat with Tom Blumer & Bob Parks:

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