Monday, February 06, 2012

Newt Gingrich sounded very desperate in that Saturday night press conference

As we've posted before, I like all of these candidates.

I've followed Gingrich since the late 1970s and Santorum since he upset an incumbent and won a Senate seat in Pennsylvania.

I am supporting Romney because he is the most conservative candidate who can win.....and this is about winning and changing the White House.

On Saturday night, we saw the best and the worst of Newt Gingrich.  

We saw a man who understands big issues, such as the threat from Iran and presents conservative ideas correctly.

We also saw a man who can't deal with reality, i.e. he has done poorly in 4 of 5 states.   South Carolina is starting to look a lot like an aberration. 

We hear that he is losing because of Romney's negative ads.  We don't hear that it's a bit more complicated than that, or the reality that Gingrich never put together an organization.

So we move looks like Gingrich is desperately trying to hang in there.....he may go on for a few more weeks but it's sad to watch a good man who can't see the truth.

It's time for Gingrich to quit and become the "ideas man" that we love so much.

Check out our Sunday night chat with Bill Katz:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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