Saturday, February 04, 2012

Josh Hamilton is only human AND he needs our prayers and support

It's easy to think that Josh Hamilton can do it all, specially after he hits one of those majestic homers or runs the bases.  Hamilton is a super player. 

However, he is also human as we learned again this week when he took a drink at a local bar.

Let me be fair:  Hamilton has not done anything illegal.  He gets weekly drug tests and alcohol is not a violation of anything.  However, he'd better off avoiding alcohol and staying sober.

I'm not making excuses but it was a tough year for Hamilton.

First, he had to live up to an MVP year.  I think that Hamilton's 2010 season was one of the best ones that we've seen in baseball for years.  He was good in 2010 despite missing the last 30 games with a rib injury.

Second, he got hurt in the 10th game of 2011 and had to sit around until June.

Third, he had to endure the tragedy of a fan falling to his death.  Hamilton had thrown the ball into the left field seats and the fan fell down 20 feet to his death.  He was at the game with his son.  It was a terrible tragedy for the family and Hamilton.

Fourth, the post season was hell for Hamilton.  He played hurt every day.

Again, I'm not making excuses but it's not easy being Josh Hamilton.
So let's pray for Josh and hope that he is back on the field soon.

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