Thursday, January 05, 2012

Some thoughts about Iowa!

Remember this: Iowa does not have a great record of choosing presidents.  

Let's not forget that Reagan lost in 1980 and Bush in 1988.  They both won the presidency later in the year.  Clinton did not win either. 

Iowa does have a way of turning someone in single digits into a front tier candidate.   Rick Santorum is the latest one and a good guy as well. 

You can not devalue the amazing job that Santorum and his supporters did in Iowa.  It was great!  Congratulations!  I love your passion and commitment.

Santorum also gave a great speech at the end of the proceedings.  I loved the references to his immigrant grandfather.  It was truly Reaganesque!

Speaking of speeches, I was disappointed with Newt Gingrich's performance.  It was great at times until he started whining about the attacks.  

Was Newt shocked that a campaign would turn nasty?  Really Newt?  Do you think that Obama will not go negative on you or anybody else? Have you seen what they've been saying about everybody else?  How long has Newt been at this game?

At the end of the long night, I think that Romney is one step closer to the nomination.  He has the organization and the cash to play in big states like Florida and South Carolina.   

Like Huckabee in 2008, Santorum will find out that winning Iowa makes you a bigger target and raises expectations.  He will also need a lot of cash to play in NH and Florida.

Again, I salute Santorum and wish him the best.  I repeat that Romney is in the strongest position to win New Hampshire and the very expensive Florida primary later.  At the same time, don't expect this process to end quickly!

P.S. Check out our Iowa chat with Barry Casselman, The Prairie Editor:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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