Sunday, January 01, 2012

My 2012 predictions: It starts with Dallas beating NY tonight!

Here they go!  First of all, I hope that the Mayas are wrong and that the world won't end in late December!

Let's go to sports.

Dallas will beat New York and win the NFC title.  Unfortunately, the Cowboys won't go far after that. 

The Mavericks will make the playoffs but don't expect basketball games in late May.

The Stars will surprise everyone with an exciting playoff run.  They will make everyone fall in love with hockey again.  This is a young team and the city will get behind them.

Last, but not least, the Rangers will get back in the World Series.  They will defeat the Braves and finally makes us forget the painful ending to the 2011 series.  The Rangers will hold the trophy because Josh Hamilton will have another monster season and Yu will have us all learning Japanese.

On the political front, it will be a lot more serious.

Romney will wrap up the nomination by February.  He will win Iowa and New Hampshire.  

Romney will pick Gov McDonnell of Virginia as VP.  It will be very well received at the Tampa convention.

The Romney-McDonnell ticket will run against the federal government, from BO-Care to Solyndra to AG Holder to spending to huge deficits and the EPA.

Romney will defeat Obama, 52-47%.  He will win everything that Bush won in 2004 plus Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.  

The GOP will keep the House.  The Dems will fight very hard to keep the Senate, specially after it's clear that Obama won't be reelected.  My guess is that it will be a 51-49 GOP advantage.

The US economy will show signs of life but not enough to bring down the unemployment rate.  We are still looking at very bad GDP growth, or in the 1-2% range.

We will face some foreign policy challenges:

1) Mexico will have a new president but the violence will continue.  I'm really hoping that the next president will call on the US to put troops on the border.  Mexico can not defend its northern border and needs a show of force to counter the cartels.  Again, I understand that troops are not a total solution.  However, they will stop people walking over with AK47s and terrorizing ranchers.

2) We will hear more complaints from Latin American leaders that the US is not paying attention.  Sadly, Obama's indifference toward Latin America has allowed China and Iran to increase their influence in our neighborhood.

3) The Middle East will be a mess, specially now that radicals have taken over so much of the "spring".  My guess is that we will yearn from "those days of yesteryear" when Egypt was run by a strong man who respected the peace treaty with Israel.

4) Iran does not fear Obama.  Therefore, they will continue to stick their noses in everything.

5) China will continue to steal property and manipulate its currency to our disadvantage. 

6) The UN will become even more irrelevant than it was in 2011.

7) The US public will continue to lose faith in NATO, specially since most countries don't allow their troops to fight. 

It will be another interesting election year.  Enjoy it:

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