Tuesday, January 03, 2012

I'd support Romney in Iowa

For the record, I am not a fan of the Iowa caucus.  Why?  It is not an election.  How can something like this "selective" vote play such a role in determining our nominee anyway?  I'd rather have our candidates do battle in the New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida primaries.

Nevertheless, Iowa will be today and my support goes to Mitt Romney.  Gingrich is too unpredictable.  Bachman is not ready to be president.  Perry has been a total disappointment.  Paul is Paul and I won't say another word.  Santorum is great but I don't think that he can play nationally.  Huntsman can't connect although he is very qualified.

I agree with John Hinderaker of Power Line:

"After flirting with just about every candidate in a large presidential field, is is time to come home to the one candidate who has the demonstrated ability to run the largest organization in the United States, the Executive Branch of the federal government; who has never been touched by the slightest taint of scandal; whose success in the private sector makes him the outsider that Republicans say they are looking for; and who has by far the best chance of beating President Obama: Mitt Romney."

Well written.  Romney brings integrity and a successful resume to the game.  He looks Ike a president and that's no small fact in this age of television and 30-second ads.

Above all, his sensible approach makes him very appealing to people who want to replace the incompetency of the Obama administration with someone who has actually run something.

Romney's foreign policy makes sense.  His views on legal and illegal immigration are correct.  Again, he has a very clear understanding of our economic challenges.

So it's time to rally around Romney and focus on defeating Pres BO!

P.S.  By the way,we spoke with Mike Sage last week about the Romney campaign:

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