Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1,000 days late: Will Pres BO call on the Senate Democrat majority to pass a budget?

Tax the rich....tax the rich and tax the rich again.  However, we are still waiting for the Senate Democrat majority to actually pass a budget.  They have not passed a budget for 3 years or 1,000 days.

What's the problem with a Senate Dem majority that does not pass a budget?

First, shouldn't our legislators pass budgets?

Secondly, and more important, it is illegal to operate without a budget:

"The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 [1] (CBA) is quite clear that passing a budget is not optional. 

It states, “On or before April 15 of each year, the Congress shall complete action on a concurrent resolution on the budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1 of such year.”" (PJ)

Pres BO should call on the Senate Democrat majority to pass a budget.  

He won't because this is not about governing.  This is all about distracting voters with slogans and cliches.  

Tonight, you will hear about "fairness" and everybody paying their "fair share".  You won't hear a thing about encouraging investors to invest, employers to hire people or making it easier for Texas to operate without the intrusions of "the out of the control EPA".

Obama 101: "Slogans and cliches" rather than governing.

P.S. Here are some of our recent shows:

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