Another terrorist caught at the border

Another terrorist caught at the border: My late Cuban mother would always say….
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August 16, 1948: Babe Ruth died...

We remember that Babe Ruth died this week in 1948.

As a baseball fan, I will always associate 3 numbers with Babe Ruth:

a) 714 career home runs, a record that was broken by Hank Aaron in 1974;

b) 60 in 1927, a season record broken in 1961 by Roger Maris.  We should point out that Maris did it in a 162 game season versus 154 in 1927; and,

c) He was 3-0 as a pitcher in The World Series.    Ruth was an outstanding pitcher.

The Babe was 53 when he died.  

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August 1977 and we remember another anniversary of Elvis' death!

The newspapers the day Elvis died - 3 | Elvis presley, History ...
It was August 16, 1977 and I was driving home from a night class.  Like everybody else, I was shocked to hear of Elvis' death.  He was only 42.

Elvis came to Baltimore in mid-1977.    I recall speaking to a lady who went to the concert.  She said that Elvis looked terrible and overweight.   Her words were "awful and fat".

She added  that this is not the Elvis that she remembered in Las Vegas a few years before.

We know now that Elvis was not taking care of himself and allegedly taking drugs.

There were many chapters in the Elvis story, from the young rocker to the big concerts of the 1970's.    Please give me his earlier material, such as "I want you, I need you, I love you".

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We remember Eydie Gorme (1928-2013)

Image result for eydie gorme images
Edith Garmezano was born in New York on this day in 1928.  Her parents were Sephardic Jews and that’s why she spoke Spanish.  She died in 2013 days before her 85th birthday.

In 1964, Eydie Gorme revived her career with Trio Los Panchos and an LP of Spanish songs.
And this is where my parents and thousands of other Cuban parents come in!
In those early days in the US, my parents found tropical relief in cold Wisconsin winters by listening to all of those Spanish ballads that Eydie Gorme recorded.
I can remember listening to her LP (that’s what we had before CD or MP3 files) over and over again. My mom really loved them. It was the romantic music that she and my dad dance to in Cuba.
Frankly, I learned to love it too.
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