Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday's podcast: RCP average and the '22 elections, Texas election Abbott plus 9 and more..

Sunday's podcast:  

RCP average and the '22 elections, Texas election Abbott plus 9 and more.......

RCP average and the 2022 elections.......Texas election Abbott plus 9........AT post and a new president at University of Florida..........Congratulations to Phillies NL champs....and other stories...

Click to listen:

Sunday's video: RCP average and the '22 elections, Texas election Abbott plus 9 and more...

Sunday's video:
RCP average and the '22 elections, Texas election Abbott plus 9 and more...

RCP average and the 2022 elections.......Texas election Abbott plus 9........AT post and a new president at University of Florida..........Congratulations to Phillies NL champs....and other stories...

 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


Sorry, but why are we asking college students about their next college president?

 (My new American Thinker post)

Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska will be going from the U.S. Senate to the University of Florida.  We wish him well However, some students don't want him, as we see in this report:

Less than a week after being revealed as the likely next president of the University of Florida (UF), the Republican senator Ben Sasse was met with protests when he appeared on campus in Gainesville on Monday. 

"Hey-hey, ho-ho, Ben Sasse has got to go," protesters chanted, seeking to draw attention to the Nebraskan's views on LGBTQ+ rights.

According to the UF student newspaper, the Independent Florida Alligator, after Sasse left a student forum early, leaders of a crowd of around 300 called the senator "homophobic and racist in between yelling from the audience". 

One protester called out "Get the f---", the crowd responding, "Out of our swamp!"

Lovely people, aren't they?  "Expletives deleted"!

Frankly, I'm not sure why Senator Sasse would like to leave the U.S. Senate and become a university president.  I'm not sure that I'd make the same move, but I am not Senator Sasse.

At the same time, we are seeing here one of the many things wrong with higher education.  Why do we care or take seriously what a bunch of students have to say anyway?  They can transfer to another university if they don't like the president.

Furthermore, we are also seeing how intolerant these young people are.  They want to shut down anybody who disagrees with them.  Everything is "homophobic" or "racist" in their world.

Whatever happened to administrators who told students to shut up and study for your test?  We miss adults like that in what they still call higher education.

PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.