Saturday, August 20, 2022

Killing the FBI?

 (My new American Thinker post)

We grew up watching Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. and The FBI on T.V.    
I understand it was a TV show, but where is Efrem when we really need him?  I remember walking around Washington D.C. on the day J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972.   He wasn't perfect, but I had positive thoughts about the FBI when I got the news of his passing.
Who would have believed a poll like this just a few years ago?   

Last week’s raid by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on former President Donald Trump’s home has damaged the FBI’s standing with Republican and independent voters. 

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 44% of Likely U.S. voters say the FBI raid on Trump’s Florida home made them trust the FBI less, compared to 29% who say it made them trust the bureau more. Twenty-three percent (23%) say the Trump raid did not make much difference in their trust of the FBI. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters have a favorable impression of the FBI, including 26% who have a Very Favorable view of the bureau. Forty-six percent (46%) now view the FBI unfavorably, including 29% who have a Very Unfavorable impression of the bureau.

It is sad and rather astonishing.

Maybe this is what happens when FBI agents are texting each other about hating Trump or how to keep him away from the White House.

Like my late father used to say, you earn your reputation.  Well, the FBI earned this one after so many got infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I should add that the men and women wearing the badge and fighting crime are just great.  They are not the problem.  We need a clean up of the top floor, especially Director Christopher Wray who is either blind or incompetent. A fish stinks from the head down.

Why didn't the director resign when he was told to raid President Trump's home?  Didn't the director understand that the FBI's reputation would be hurt more with the obvious engagement in politics, by the same team that tried and failed to bag him earlier?

They used to say "Break up the Yankees."   It's time to say "Break up the FBI" and do it for the honest men and women fighting real criminals every day.

Cheney & Trump, US Senate 2022, Texas Rangers plus Elvis & Babe Ruth

AT post about VP Cheney and Pres. Trump......US Senate and 2022.....Texas Rangers and the week of we remember Elvis & Babe Ruth.......

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