Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Joe you have some 'splaining to do

 (My new American Thinker post)

It's one of TV's greatest lines:  Ricky Ricardo looks at Lucy and said:   "Lucy, 'Splain"  According to "Ricardo experts," he never said "Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do!" Nevertheless, we got his point. Ricky wants an explanation because he did not understand what Lucy said or did.

So let's apply the Ricardo standard to this White House because they can't "'Splain that" from unvaccinated people crossing the border to the cost of cancelling student debt.

On the border, Peter Doocy of FOX asked a simple question and got an awful answer:   

Doocy asked Jean-Pierre why unvaccinated migrants can come into the U.S. and stay, while Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic is banned from playing stateside due to his unvaccinated status. 

'It's not that simple,' Jean-Pierre said. 'It's not just that people are walking across the border. We have a plan in place. This is not like switching the lights on. ​T​his is going to take a process. We are fixing a broken system that was actually left by the last administration.'    

Jean-Pierre said of Djokovic that she couldn't 'discuss individual visa cases due to privacy reasons.' 

Well, it's all Trump's fault but you knew that she'd say that.  As for Djokovic he is not coming and it's because of vaccinations. Whose privacy is being violated?   

Again, she did not "'splain" anything.

The second issue is the matter of the cost of the loan bailout, the latest Democrat effort to pander for votes since President Obama signed DACA a few months before the 2012 election.    

Again, the White House can not tell us a thing:    

Despite unveiling the policy last week, administration officials have yet to explain how Biden's student loan handout will be paid for in the long term. Economists say that since the proposal calls for the government to forgive the lending outright, taxpayers are likely on the hook as the principle and interest are piled on top of the nearly $31 trillion in existing U.S. debt. 

Who will pay?  We don't know but all of those people between the coasts who did not go to college know that they will be paying for this.  Yes, there is no such thing as a free lunch as a famous economist once said.  And many know that it will make inflation worse.

As expected, the White House will be speaking a lot about semi-fascists but avoids border crossings and the cost of bailing out students.

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