Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Fewer Doritos in my bag

 (My new American Thinker post)

From time to time, I buy a tuna sandwich with a bag of Doritos and a drink.  The price of the sandwich is up and there are fewer chips in the meal.  Welcome to inflation, as I used to hear back in 1982.  This is from Jeva Lange:   

If your bag of Doritos has seemed suspiciously skimpy on chips lately, you're not alone. Frito-Lay confirmed that it decreased the number of chips you get per bag by five whole delicious triangles in 2021 in order to account for inflation, Quartz reports. 

And I thought that it was only gasoline and used cars!

Talk to any local business and you will hear something like this:    

Brandon Brown, owner of Brown’s Heating and Air in Virginia, said his business used to raise prices only once or twice a year, but now, it can happen every month.   

“Prices are rapidly increasing,” Brown told the Washington Examiner. “We increased prices four times last year. Now, we’re getting notices that prices of equipment will go up 8-10% with only a month’s notice. Before, it was 6-8 months’ warning.”

Brown said that one of the most difficult parts of the rising prices is how they affect small businesses’ ability to support their local communities.

Over the weekend, I got a haircut, stopped by my favorite Chinese buffet and bought a few items around town.  Everything has gone up!  There are no exceptions.

Inflation is topic # 1, but nobdy is blaming Putin.  

I did have a fascinating conversation with the owner of a small print job shop.  He's hoping that inflation doesn't kill his business altogether because customers stop buying.  I think that a lot of business owners reading me understand that.  First, inflation.  Second, recession, and then you can't open the doors anymore.

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