Wednesday, February 02, 2022

The public is tired of identity politics

(My new American Thinker post

A couple of years ago, then-candidate Joe Biden needed a boost.  His campaign had stalled and the "age' question was in the air.  Then he made a promise about nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court.  Today, most Americans are saying "no" to playing identity politics with the highest court in the land.   This is from Fox:   

More than three-quarters (76%) of Americans want President Joe Biden to consider all potential nominees to replace outgoing Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, according to a recent ABC News-Ipsos poll.    

The poll comes after Biden said Thursday that he will announce his nominee before the end of February, and that the candidate will be a Black woman. Among Democrats, 54% supported considering all nominees regardless of race and gender. 

Just 23% of those polled wanted Biden to restrict his list of nominees to Black women.

54% of Democrats?  Maybe the 80-somethig Democrats are out of touch of the country.  All they do in Washington is to talk about race.  Apparently, most Americans are beyond that kind of thinking.   

As we know, this appointment will not change the ideological balance of the Supreme Court.  At the same time, I'd bet you that most of these candidates are liberal and will be challenged in the hearings on religious liberty, immigration enforcement, environmental policies, etc.   

Wonder where Senator Joe Manchin will stand after hearing the answers to many of these questions?  I would not be shocked if Manchin listens to West Virginians rather than Washington.

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