Thursday, November 18, 2021

Obama magic not pulling the rabbit out of the hat

 (My new American Thinker post)

As we asked following Virginia and New Jersey: Will any Democrat invite Mr. Obama to campaign for them anymore? The magic is gone or something like that. They are not fainting anymore. Nobody is saying that he walks on water.

Look at this report from South Carolina:

Endorsements from former President Obama and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn in reliably blue Columbia, South Carolina, were not enough to push the city’s Democratic mayoral candidate over the finish line.

Republican Daniel Rickenmann, a businessman and Columbia city council member, defeated Democrat Tameika Isaac Devine 52% to 48% on Tuesday night in Columbia, which sits in a county that President Biden carried by almost 40 points in 2020.

We remember that it was South Carolina that saved the Biden candidacy 18 months ago.

So, what’s going?

Maybe the Democrats are not getting the vote today memo. Or maybe there is tremendous apathy in these blue districts.

I don’t know South Carolina that well but I see something similar to what just happened in San Antonio, Texas. Down here, GOP candidate John Lujan defeated Democrat candidate Frank Ramirez in a super blue district.

Maybe it’s a red wave but I think it may be better than that. Victories in blue districts or cities mean that people are finally holding Democrats accountable.

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