Thursday, September 09, 2021

What if the postwar German government had been full of Nazis?


(My new American Thinker)

Let me take you back to the years following World War II.   What would have been the Allied reaction if the new German government was staffed by former Nazis or people close to Hitler? How would that have gone down?  Do you agree with me that President Truman would have screamed a few expletives after hearing the news?  Would he have moved the Enola Gay to Europe for further action?

Well, check out the new government in Kabul, according to this news story:  

The Taliban drew from its inner high echelons to fill top posts in Afghanistan's new government on Tuesday, including an associate of the Islamist militant group's founder as premier and a wanted man on a U.S. terrorism list as interior minister.

World powers have told the Taliban the key to peace and development is an inclusive government that would back up its pledges of a more conciliatory approach, upholding human rights, after a previous 1996-2001 period in power marked by bloody vendettas and oppression of women.

Taliban supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada, in his first public statement since the Aug. 15 seizure of the capital Kabul by the insurgents, said the Taliban were committed to all international laws, treaties and commitments not in conflict with Islamic law.

Of course they are…As long it is consistent with Islamic Law.  I don't know much about Islamic Law except that women don't have much a voice in anything.

This is a nightmare for the Biden administration, especially the news that Gitmo alumni are putting the band together in the new government.   The new Taliban Defense Chief is a Gitmo graduate.  His name is Abdul Qayyum Zakir, just in case you want to send him a "congratulations on your new job" message.

How in the world is the Biden administration going to work with this new government?  Well, I guess that we are because Secretary Antony Blinken is accepting Taliban demands that only those with documents will be leave the country.   

This is a bigger problem than anyone had predicted.  

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