Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Now Portland is lecturing Texas

 (My new American Thinker post)

Sorry to hear that the city of Portland, Oregon will cut off trade and travel with Texas, as we see in a New York Post story:   

The city of Portland, Oregon, announced it intends to ban trade and travel to the state of Texas in response to the Lone Star State’s new abortion law.

Mayor Ted Wheeler announced Friday that the city council intends to vote on an emergency resolution Wednesday to stop “the City’s future procurement of goods and services from, and City employee business travel to, the state of Texas.”

The resolution will be in effect until Texas ends the law or it is overturned. It’s not exactly clear what such a ban would look like.

“City legal counsel is currently evaluating the legal aspects of this proposed resolution,” a release from the city council said.

“The Portland City Council stands unified in its belief that all people should have the right to choose if and when they carry a pregnancy and that the decisions they make are complex, difficult, and unique to their circumstances.”

Maybe Seattle and Minneapolis will follow. What do you do when crime is rampant and police officers are quitting?  I guess you get mad at Texas because we here in Texas think a baby's heartbeat is worth listening to.

Honestly, I don't know what it means in dollars.  At the same time, I have to believe that an embargo on trade and travel is a two-way street.  

Over the last few days, we've seen so much hysteria over the Texas law.   Yet, the law does not stop abortion or create an undue burden to anyone looking for an abortion.  The law simply states that the doctor has to check for a heartbeat before he aborts.

The Texas abortion law is the first time that I remember that we are talking about the baby forming inside a woman.  For years, the debate has been about the woman's body.   We are finally talking about the other person largely forgotten since "Roe v. Wade" became a convenient form of birth control.

We will miss the folks from Portland but the rest of Oregon is welcomed as always.

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