Friday, June 25, 2021

A speech that will end up selling more guns

President Biden does not have a clue about the crime wave in the U.S.  Or maybe he does but can't admit that it was his party that led crime get out of control from Seattle to Minneapolis to Chicago to Baltimore to New York City.

For months, we saw looters walk out of stores with TV's, computers, nightgowns, and even liquor to make it a real party.  Not one of these looters was prosecuted to my knowledge.  For too long, our Monday morning news has included the Chicago weekend killing spree.  Over and over, we hear of judges putting criminals back in the streets.

The numbers are appalling, as Joe Concha wrote:

New York City: Despite having the country's largest police force, the city’s murder rate is up 48 percent over 2019 (pre-pandemic), while shootings have increased by 107 percent in two years. Two weekends ago, 22 people were shot, leaving five dead. Record numbers of residents are leaving the city as a result...

Atlanta: Murders are up 58 percent compared to 2020 at this time. The city's mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms (D), blames Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) for reopening the state before others. "Remember in Georgia we were opened up before the rest of the country, even before the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) said that it was safe for us to open, so our night clubs and our bars remained open, so we had people traveling here from across the country to party in our city,” she said with a straight face in an MSNBC interview. 

Portland, Ore.: Murders are up, not 8 percent or 80 percent, but 800 percent over the past year. "Roving gangs of black-clad rioters do not speak for the hundreds of thousands of residents and business owners of Portland who want a safe and clean city. Yet local politicians supported them," said Portland Police Association Executive Director Daryl Turner in a recent statement. 

Seattle: In the city that allowed the infamous CHOP -- the "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest" -- autonomous zone, which included the takeover of several city blocks by protesters and the closing of a police precinct station during what the mayor in 2020 described as "a summer of love," homicides are at their highest rates in 26 years.

San Francisco: 17 Walgreens in the city have closed -- all due to rampant shoplifting -- while burglaries are up 62 percent this year in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district.

Overall, across all major American cities, homicide rates are up 24 percent since the beginning of the year. 

My guess is that President Biden is starting to feel the heat, i.e. a political albatross.   Maybe it was a coincidence that the speech came hours after Eric Adams apparently won a New York City primary focused on crime and lawlessness.  Adams is an African American Democrat who wants to stop the crime wave and has a lot of support from minorities.

No matter what, more Americans will buy guns for self protection and more police officers will leave the force.  The lawlessness will continue until  Biden calls out the Democrats who let the criminals run their cities in the name of social justice.

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