Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Speak up Mr. Biden!

Leadership is thinking outside the box.  Let's see if Mr. Biden can think outside the box and do something bold.

In a couple of days, Democrats may indeed impeach President Trump again.  Like the first time, it will be a party vote and divide the country.  Unlike the first time, there won't be any witnesses or hearings or due process.  It will be an up and down vote about Trump and nothing more.

Why is Speaker Pelosi on the road to impeachment a week before President Trump leaves town?

Some argue that the President incited a riot but others say that no line was crossed.  My own take is that the President did not tell the marchers to go and break into the Capitol.  99.999% of the 150,000 marchers didn't!   At the same time, President Trump should have stayed away from a march on the day that the Congress was looking at the 2020 vote.

There is only solution here:   President elect Biden should speak up and end this madness.  

So Mr. Biden has 2 options:

1) Say nothing and start his new term with chaos in the US Senate.  In other words, a trial would close the US Senate for a couple of weeks.  What happens to the Cabinet appointments?  Does a President Biden start with departments run by Trump holdovers?  It will be chaos in steroids;

2) Call Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer and tell them to stop it.   

Let's hope that we never get to an impeachment trial.  If we do then let's encourage Mr. Biden to put the nation first and tell everyone to get to work on the nation's business.

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