Sunday, December 06, 2020

Democrats will get beaten even worse if they stick with socialists like AOC

Don't be surprised if Doug Schoen, Democrat consultant, adds Linda Ronstadt's "You're No Good" to the soundtrack of his new message to the Democrats.  Yes, Mr. Schoen wants Democrats to walk away as soon possible from Representative Ocasio-Cortez because she is no good.

This is from Mr. Schoen via New York:

Democrats should stop pressing "defund the police" and other hot-button social issues if they want to stay competitive in 2022, according to new research from longtime Democratic pollster Douglas Schoen.

"The data says to me that if the Democrats go the progressive route they can lose the House and the Senate overwhelmingly in 2022," Schoen told The Post.  "The incoming Biden administration [sic] has to understand that unless they take a moderate path, that is a likely potential outcome for the Democrats."

Schoen is a longtime pollster for Mike Bloomberg, who worked on the billionaire's fly-by-night presidential campaign.  His firm, Schoen Cooperman Research, spoke to 1,000 respondents in a post-election poll between Nov. 8 and 9.

Mr. Schoen is correct, but will anyone listen?  If Mr. Biden indeed takes over on January 20, he will have a hysterical left that will send many centrist Democrats away or joining the GOP to oppose their ideas.  In other words, the left took a beating in 2020, and everybody knows it.

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