Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, 1969: Another year to remember Apollo 11

It was July 20, 1969 or many years ago today. 
Like most families, we sat around the TV and watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon.  At one point, my father commented that Cubans in the island were probably not permitted to watch this historical event.  My mother then added something colorful:  “Ese HP de Fidel no le quiere dar merito a los americanos que llegaron primero que los rusos.” 
I can remember much of it, from Walter Cronkite’s countdown to the lunar landing to President Nixon’s speech to the astronauts. 
We remember Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins and congratulate the crew and everyone down here who made this amazing mission possible. 
Wonder whatever happened to that US flag and landmark that we left up in the moon? 
No matter what: I was very lucky to be alive and experience one of the greatest days in world history!  I was very lucky to be living in the US where I could watch the whole thing.
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