Wednesday, June 07, 2023

We remember June 7

We remember June 7:

Ronald Reagan:  Today, we remember that the California GOP nominated Ronald Reagan for governor.  He went on to win in 1966 and reelection in 1970.

Dean Martin:   We remember Dino Crocetti who was born in Steubenville, Ohio, on this day in 1917.     We know him as Dean Martin, one of the biggest entertainers of the 20th century.    He sold millions of records and movie tickets.  

Happy # 82:   We remember Thomas John Woodward who was born in Wales on this day in 1940.    We know him as Tom Jones, one of the most popular singers of the 1960's. 

1941.......the streak reachesd 22 on the way to 56........Joe DiMaggio goes 3-for-5 in St Louis..

"Saturday Night Fever":   What inspired the movie?  It started on this day in 1976 with a magazine article.

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