Saturday, June 08, 2024

We remember Alvarez-Guedes (1927-2013)

What would Alvarez Guedes say of these guys speaking Spanish ...
We remember Guillermo Álvarez Guedes who was born in Cuba on this day in 1927.  He died in 2013.

How do you measure Alvarez-Guedes’s impact?

He made us laugh, as I remember my parents every time that one of his LP’s was on the turntable.
He entertained us with a very unique sense of humor that only a Cuban could understand. 
Alvarez-Guedes made Cubans laugh about Cubans.   Frankly, didn’t a lot of Cubans need to laugh in those early days in the US?

Alvarez-Guedes knew how to use “expletives”.  It just did not sound like “una mala palabra”  when it came out of his mouth.
Back in 2013, we recorded this show about Alvarez-Guedes.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.