Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12, 1987: The Berlin Wall & President Reagan

Time flies.   On this day in 1987, or many years ago today, we watched President Reagan call on the USSR to tear down the Berlin Wall.    

According to Peter Robinson, a speechwriter, the "line" was discussed and argued about in the US State Department.  Some of President Reagan's advisers throught that the line might be seen as provocative by the Kremlin. 

At the end, President Reagan said it anyway. 

What a great moment it was. 

I can still remember holding our 3-week old son and watching it on TV back then. 

Did President Reagan see the future?  We will never know but he definitely knew that the USSR and the Berlin Wall were doomed for failure.  As we know now, The Berlin Wall eventually came down 30 months later! 

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