Monday, May 20, 2024

May 20, 1902 and Cuba's independence

On this day in 1902, Cuba became an independent country.   

I recall my grandmother's stories of celebrations, parties, Cuban flags hanging from windows and a general sense of happiness around the island.   I should add that she was 10 and born when Cuba was still a Spanish colony.

Of course, independence did not fix Cuba's problems.  The island went through several ups and downs, government changes and the communist takeover of 1959.

Cuba did enjoy a lot of success in the first half of  the 20th century.   The island nation achieved macro-economic success, from per capita income to literacy.   Unfortunately, Cuba's political problems made it difficult for country to enjoy a stable political climate.

Maybe Cuba will eventually celebrate another independence day as a democratic country.  We hope so!

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) .