Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 1813: Jefferson and Adams started their historic correspondence

Who were these two men?   John Adams (the second president) and Thomas Jefferson (the third president).  They were partners in The Declaration of Independence and the formation of the new nation.  

Adams was the first VP serving two terms under President Washington.  He was elected to his own term after Washington retired to Mt. Vernon.  On the other hand, Jefferson served in President Washington's first Cabinet and VP under President Adams.

In 1800, Jefferson defeated the incumbent Adams in a very bitter presidential election.  As a result, the two men did not speak to each other again.  As I understand it, outgoing President Adams left town and did not go to his successor's inauguration.

President Jefferson served two terms and retired to Monticello in 1809.

Jefferson broke the ice and wrote to his old colleague.  Over the next 10 years, the two men wrote each other many letters and restored their friendship.  The letters were great insight into their lives and the new republic.

Incredibly, the two men died on July 4, 1826 or the 50th anniversary of The Declaration of Independence.

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