Friday, March 06, 2020

We remember Nancy Reagan (1921-2016)

For so many of us, Nancy Reagan was bigger than life.

She was always next to Governor and then President Reagan, the most influential politician of the last 50 years.    She was there at the GOP convention, at the campaign rallies and always present supporting Cuban Americans in the US.

Like her husband, she understood the evil of communism.   We will miss her.
The ultimate, painful role she played was being the caretaker when the president was stricken with Alzheimer’s disease. She made her family’s first-hand experience with the disease part of a public awareness campaign. Mrs. Reagan was the catalyst for much of research that followed to conquer this dreadful disease.Her final role was as the torch carrier her extraordinary husband, our fortieth president.The flame will continue to glow and our nation can forever be grateful for this exceptional president and the lovely lady who loved him, guided him, supported him and loved her country as he did.Rest in peace, Mrs. Reagan. Your nation loves you and will miss you!
Yes rest in peace Mrs Reagan. We will always remember you for being the faithful woman who stood with President Reagan all the way.

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