Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tired of hearing about victimhood

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Once upon a time, we used to hear that the Democrats were the “party of diversity.”  Today, we hear that it is the party of “sexism.”
We just saw two examples of how the Democrats blame everything on sexism:
First, Representative Tulsi Gabbard wants to be on the upcoming debate.  She wants in!  She did not get the votes to qualify, the same thing that happened to the other ladies and gentlemen who had to withdraw.
What’s going on?  Should Cory Booker demand a spot on the stage too because he is African American?
To paraphrase Chubby Checker:  It’s quota time!
Second, Elizabeth Warren couldn’t help herself.  She brought sexism too.  I guess that a third place finish in Massachusetts is due to all of those sexist Democrat voters.
This is the problem with too many liberal women. They campaign as trailblazers, but at the first sign of trouble, they cry victim.
You can’t have it both ways. 
There is a reason that Democrats are down to a couple of white men older than President Trump.  
It’s all about a party that has not developed talent at the local level, i.e. governors, who can run for president with governing across party lines on their resume.
Too many governors from very liberal California, New York, and Illinois.  They need more success in the other 47 red dots on the map.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.