Sunday, March 29, 2020

A book about our parents and grandparent

My book "Cubanos in Wisconsin" was published in 2013.    

I've been asked a lot of good questions and shared some nice conversations with friends about the book.  

My original objectives for writing this book were two fold:

1) Say "thanks" to my parents for a job well done.  In other words, it took a lot of courage to leave their homeland and start anew.  Our parents did it and we should say "gracias" at every opportunity; and.

2) Introduce my sons to our family past, i.e. how did we get to the US?  Or, why do they have a Cuban father?  What do all of those "black and white pictures" on their grandparents' wall mean?  Who is that fellow named Jose Marti?   

As I wrote the book, it became clear that I had a 3rd objective:  We need to start a conversation between the old and the new, or the ones who came here years ago and the ones born in this wonderful nation that embraced us.

So get the book, read it and sit down with your grandparents.  Your "abuela" will cook the food you love and your "abuelos" will make you very proud with some amazing stories!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.