Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Shame on Hallmark for caving to LGBTQ pressure

Image result for hallmark channel images
In the interest of full disclosure, my wife is a huge Hallmark Channel fan.  Based on what I hear when we go out with other couples, most of her friends are big fans too.
Why does she love Hallmark?  It’s super romantic, she tells me.  She loves the stories and the beautiful people who play the characters.    
As any married guy knows, don’t mess with your wife watching those Christmas love stories.  
Bowl games?  Go to the other room with your sons or friends.
Over the last few days, Hallmark has been in the news.  It appears that the LGBTQ squad is going after the network for rejecting a commercial showing a same sex couple getting married and kissing.
The network is pretty modern in many ways.  As I learned watching the movies, the stories usually involve women who are business owners, successful professionals and even a bank president.
But Hallmark has announced it is reversing and showing the commercial, even though it does violate the network’s policy against public display of affection.
After facing massive backlash on social media, the Hallmark Channel has reversed course, and will allow LGBT-themed ads to air on its platform despite resistance from conservative and family groups.On Sunday, Mike Perry, the CEO of Hallmark Cards, Inc., apologized for having caused “hurt and disappointment” for pulling the Zola ad featuring a lesbian wedding kiss, and promising to build a more inclusive atmosphere in the company’s programming.“The Crown Media team has been agonizing over this decision as we’ve seen the hurt it has unintentionally caused,” Perry said
So why did the network crack under LGBTQ pressure?  I don’t get it.  My guess is that they got spooked by tweets or phone calls.
So another business cracks to please the LGBTQ community and alienates its loyal base?
I hope that Hallmark will reconsider and remember that “wokes” are never satisfied.  They will come back demanding more and more and more.
So Hallmark should issue a simple statement.   This is our business.  If you don’t like what we do, then start your own channel and satisfy the demand for such material.
And, last but not least, Stephen Kruiser is right:   Hallmark Caves to Wokescolds Who Will Never Watch the Channel!
Again, start your own channel and leave my wife alone.  I hope that the advertisers understand that there are more people like my wife who don’t tweet than the LGBT who live in social media.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.