Sunday, October 06, 2019

The fall of Biden

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My guess is that most Democrats were never crazy about former V.P. Biden’s candidacy.  He was the one who could beat President Trump, or something like that.
Here lately, Mr. Biden has run into a bit of a Ukraine problem.  To be fair, he probably didn’t do anything illegal.  At the same time, it does not pass the smell test when your son comes home with a multi-million contract representing a business he had zero experience in.  Again, it’s not illegal, but that kind of stuff happens only when someone is trying to impress your dad!
The latest sign is that Biden’s fundraising is down, according to Vox:
Biden is still one of the frontrunners of the 2020 presidential campaign, and but [sic] his most recent fundraising numbers pale in comparison to Sanders’s and Warren’s.
Biden’s campaign announced their $15.2 million third-quarter haul — which puts him in a stable, but far-from-impressive fourth place for the quarter — on Thursday night, after the former vice president disclosed them at a Palo Alto fundraiser.  The event he spoke at cost attendees $1,500 or $2,800, and guests who had raised $10,000 were invited to a VIP reception with Biden, according to an invitation according to the pool report of the event.
Speaking in Palo Alto, Biden chalked up his lower numbers to the fact his campaign got started in April — later than other campaigns.
Maybe he got started a bit late, but that’s not what’s going on.  In other words, there’s never really been any enthusiasm for his campaign.
Last week, former V.P. Biden did not like a question about Ukraine and his son.  He tried to turn the tables on President Trump, but the problem is not going away.
The Ukraine phone call story may have been started by people who wanted to get Trump.  It looks as if they got Biden instead.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.